Plucky Duck's famous line when he flushes the toilet..."IT GO DOWN THE HOLE....AGAIN! AGAIN!" he eagerly flushes again? Today my laziness of late went down that hole.
Kat and I know
we have been a bit

lazy of late. Life has thrown us a

curve ball or three dozen of late. BUT I finally sat down here for
lazy of late. Life has thrown us a
curve ball or three dozen of late. BUT I finally sat down here for
three hours today and worked on my
prequel to the Suc-U series...yes it's
tongue in cheek, but it's
erotica...for me erotica NEEDS tongue in cheekiness.
Someone once told me writing erotica has to be hard for Kat and I given our pasts. When you've no concept of normal love, you have no choice but to

make it up as you go. So tongue-in-cheek is as close to what I believe normal to be...Of course it helps that of late my erotica stories have been about
make it up as you go. So tongue-in-cheek is as close to what I believe normal to be...Of course it helps that of late my erotica stories have been about
Succubi and
Centaurs. It doesn't really MATTER what consitutes
"normal". They cannot BE what makind interprets as NORMAL no matter how hard they might try (no pun intended.)
I digress...can't do that...that's what leads me to being lazy.
Three hours is how long I sat. I let me go and allowed
Nudge, my wicked little
task master to take over. 3,674 words in three teensy hours. I really was keeping Nudge down wasn't I?
Shame on me.
Nudge wants me to share some of her more creative character names with you...and I remind you, this IS

tongue in cheek and if you have any issues with this, blame Nudge. She's my creative voice...a nuisance much of the time...but she knows her stories!
Okay, can I just take a moment and tell Nudge,

I am in AWE of what you channel through me. You DO

tongue in cheek and if you have any issues with this, blame Nudge. She's my creative voice...a nuisance much of the time...but she knows her stories!
Okay, can I just take a moment and tell Nudge,

I am in AWE of what you channel through me. You DO
How about Mel. T. Gasbags. (The "T" is his middle name initial and that happens to be TING...See his mother's name is Bea Ting...oh and his father's name is Justice Gasbags.)
Mel is the current Universal King of the Incubi, but Peter Byrd is in the wings. Peter has a brother named Dick Byrd, and he's got a problem with a client stealing Inc named Thorn E. Dawg.
Anyone who's read book one in this series, SUC-U, knows the current Queen of Earth Sucs is Wetniva Dreams.
You will meet her counterpart, the King of Earth Incs. in book two SUC-U-TOO...maybe...if it gets contracted.

In book three, and in this prequel you meet
Peter Byrd, The Universal King of Incs, and his counter-part Universal Queen, Gyna Strokes. (Don't they look GREAT together?)
In book three, and in this prequel you meet
Peter Byrd, The Universal King of Incs, and his counter-part Universal Queen, Gyna Strokes. (Don't they look GREAT together?)
One more character you will meet in Book a gorgeous wine red maned suc

named Bal Buster. (Balisima actually but she likes being called

Bal Buster, very few know 'isima' fallows her Bal.)
named Bal Buster. (Balisima actually but she likes being called
Bal Buster, very few know 'isima' fallows her Bal.)
I think that's it so far, but Nudge is not ready to write

THE END to this prequel, so who knows what she will come up with next...But I can assure you it won't be borning.
THE END to this prequel, so who knows what she will come up with next...But I can assure you it won't be borning.
LOL...Lin...what do you do to come up with names like that ~ sit and jot until "Bing" the ultimate name pops in.
I'm still chuckling over those names...and it does make me want to grab that book and see what other interesting characters with ballsey names star in your show.*giggles*
Lin, for everything that you have experienced in this lifetime, you have come out of it with a bolt of lightening full of goodness for those around you who care about you and Kat.
Underneath my giggles over this post, I have deep admiration and love for you both. Hugs!
The love and admiration is mutual, Sweetheart. Because of what we went through, we both know how lucky we are that Muse not only accepted us, but embraced us.
The names pop into my head at some of the most inconvenient times but writers have no control over the insistent voices of their Nudges.
I was in Target, minding my own business when Mel, his dad Justice, and his mom, Bea came to me. I took my receipt and wrote it all down on the back so I wouldn't forget. Nudge also gave me the titles for the chapters as well...and they are as weird as the names.
Lea once told me to let my sense of humor enter my writing. The minute Nudge heard that the Suc series and the centaur story jumped into our head. Both HAD to be written tongue-in-cheek.
Lea loves this series so much she's asking me when Book Twenty, Fifty will be available?
I'd hoped after book three to end it...but Lea's desire for more sparked Nudge and the pre-quel began.
I try to sleep, but Nudge doesn't like me slacking off when she's on a roll. Unfortunately, as all my blogs should prove, she wins every single time. (That irritant has a LOT to say!...Okay, yeah I do honor her. Because of her, we've written some pretty okay stuff.)
There are some stories that are dearer to me than others...Kat and I just got a contract for our first collaboration and that story claims both of our hearts. Her name is Daria, and we follow her on HER LAST DAY...the day Pompeii faces the rath of Vesuvius.
It won't be out until April 2013, but it's a story I will continually refer to in the months and year ahead.
Finally...Sweetheart, we adore you too.
Love Always,
Lin and Kat
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